Our Story

Hey there! Welcome to our humble store, locally based in Singapore!

DUCKDUCK was started on a rainy night in August 2021, when the two of us had a conversation about the stigmatization surrounding menstrual cramps and stomach problems such as IBS, and the lack of a good product to tackle this issue. That, coupled with a love for ducks, a ton of coffee, and way too many boxes of product arriving with way too little storage space, DUCKDUCK was born.

We decided to center our store around the duck as “quack” is how many of our friends used to tease our surname. We grew rather fond of the animal, and it seemed appropriate to begin with this creature we identify greatly with. To think that a taunt we used to hear back in our primary school days has laid the foundation for what we have created today!

We are so blessed and privileged to be receiving so much support and love for our store. DUCKDUCK has allowed us to center and ground ourselves as a local store that wishes to give back to the community and a platform for us to be part of a solution for many individuals around us. Too many females experience extremely painful menstrual cramps; way too many individuals suffer from conditions that can be relieved with heat packs, which are often an unsustainable and expensive solution. As a hidden inequality, we hope that Lucas the Microwavable Duck will make these tough moments slightly better. And for those who simply enjoy the warmth of a soft, cute, and warm duck to aid sleep or for the daily rumble of life, we hope Lucas will be a good pal for all of your days!

We are constantly redesigning and taking all your feedback into consideration. We hope to create a long-lasting and high-quality product that can be used for years, and we appreciate all your messages (Some of your messages truly make our days)! Thank you, to every single one of you, for everything. This has been a crazy journey for the two of us, and it’s only going to get crazier! Stay tuned for greater stuff ahead.

Lots and lots of love,

R & T